Working with intent
August 5, 2024
This Great Egret is clear about its intention to build a nest. OK maybe for the egret it’s instinct. We humans have so many competing impulses that it’s easy to get off the track we mean to be going down.
For writers, we’re always told to make sure to put our fannies in the chair and start tapping away at the keyboard, no matter what. That’s a good start, especially when generating content. But now that I’m a few drafts into my novel, and into the editing process, I’ve discovered that working with a specific intention really helps me get my copy into the shape I want.
So you’ve had your manuscript critiqued and you’ve identified some things that will make it stronger. Pick one to work on. Then before shutting down your computer for the day, when all the juices are still flowing, make a note of your intention for the next session. It feels good to know where you’re going.